HAWAII is the best place to be with your friends,partner and even just alone.I Realized a lot of things.Life is good,only you could make it better! life is not short, i choose to live long..A better life is when expect little, attempt big, do more,need less, smiles often, laugh a lot and pray always...the secret to stay happy is to stay away, what i mean here "the longer you stay with things you don't really enjoy equates to every moment you lose with what could be a happy life. Beautiful lives don't just happen. they are made every single day with much love, prayer and sacrifice. only 3things matter; How fully u lived, How deeply u loved, and How gracefully u let go of things not meant for you. Being happy doesn't depend on achieving what you want, but rather making the best out of what is given.
Here's some of the picture we've been taken while wer in Hawaii.